AllFeature RequestsThe fastest device information

The fastest device information

The fastest device information

I'm gadget geek and using every Chronicle's devices.

I search pro's device on the Internet, but there is old info and incorrect info.

So I want official service for settings and device.

For example, Chron is using ATK F1 but we don't know it's pro or pro max.

Thank you for reading.

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Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 28/01/2025
Loading...I don’t know who in the staff we could ask to get this info, so I thought, did you try asking him on Twitter? Since on his Twitch, you have all the info except the mouse because he changes it all the time, he says xd
Avatar for SKYPenspinning
Loading...@Franky I always chat !command on his twitch and I have asked few times in twitter, but there isn't reply. I know Chron said "trying many devices and settings" I know He isn't device teacher just FNC valorant player, so I can't steal his time for gaming. I always ask him in off season. I don't need all, I need to know devices every LAN.