AllValorantCypher cosplay 

Cypher cosplay

Ducky_M3's avatarDucky 🦆@Ducky_M323/08/2024

Cypher cosplay

I cosplayed Cypher this Year at Dokomi( because i sadly wasnt able to attend GamesCon) and I am so proude of how he turned out!

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Avatar for Aspexn
AspexnFnatic Plus@Aspexn• 16/11/2024
Loading...I may work on a fade cosplay for the Val HQ events as I myself am a big fade main she’s the only person I really play unless she’s taken to which I play a horrible Sage
Avatar for blueblueblossom09
Loading...This is really good 😀
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 14/11/2024
Loading...@blueblueblossom09 Thank you
Avatar for LoreX
LoreX@LoreX• 09/11/2024
Loading...WOW, this Is One of my favorite agents of valorant and u cosplay ed him perfectly🤩 Amazing !!!!!!
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 09/11/2024
Loading...@LoreX Thank you so much
Avatar for Uldingrath
Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 07/11/2024
Loading...This looks so realistic, I wanna send a sova dart just to clear the Traps
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 07/11/2024
Loading...@Uldingrath Thank you so much!
Avatar for Aspexn
AspexnFnatic Plus@Aspexn• 03/11/2024
Loading...Dude that’s sick!
Avatar for NekoSloan
NekoSloan@NekoSloan• 30/10/2024
Loading...Okay but is the hat detachable?!! Nice cosplay dude 🔥
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 30/10/2024
Loading...@NekoSloan Yes it is. I actually walk around the con with the mask off and hat on. Cause the mask isnt very compfy to wear all day
Avatar for DTR
DTRVCT Champions 2022@DTR• 25/08/2024
Loading...Damn, since I'm a Cypher main I would love to make one myself but I've never made any cosplay😭
Avatar for emma
emmaVCT Champions 2024@mediumrarecookie• 25/08/2024
Loading...yo thats so sick!
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 25/08/2024
Loading...@mediumrarecookie Thank you!!!
Avatar for Lissen112
Lissen112VCT Champions 2024@Lissen112• 25/08/2024
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 25/08/2024
Loading...@Lissen112 Thank you
Avatar for Gabbo2110
Gabbo2110@Gabbo2110• 25/08/2024
Loading...Look very nice :yippee:
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 25/08/2024
Loading...@Gabbo2110 Thank you
Avatar for Nightshade
Nightshade@Nightshade• 25/08/2024
Loading...dude, that's so sick! 🔥
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 25/08/2024
Loading...@Nightshade Thank you
Avatar for D1V3X
D1V3XLEC Malmo 2022@D1V3X• 24/08/2024
Loading...I need to ask how high the price is to build smth like. Is this self build or how to create smth like that ? This is INSANE
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 24/08/2024
Loading...@D1V3X I comisioned it at cosplay Studio cause my foam skills arent thar good yet but it Costa me around 2000 euros. If i was to make it myself i might save 500. Looking back at other cosplay i did fully make in the past. The materials are expensiv and its very time consuming!
Avatar for Ardysama
ArdysamaFnatic Plus@Ardysama• 24/08/2024
Loading...@D1V3X As a cosplayer myself i would guess depending on material around 700-1k
Avatar for linrix
linrix@linrix• 24/08/2024
Loading...this looks awesome!! did you make it yourself or is it bought? both are great but if its selfmade mad respect bc cypher looks like a pain to make xD either way its super cool!!
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 24/08/2024
Loading...@linrix I didnt do it myself i comisioned it at a cosplay Studio! They also made an omen and reyna one in the past and are great and talented artist over all
Avatar for jodiexe
jodiexeCow Paulo@jodiexe• 24/08/2024
Loading...This is the coolest cypher cosplay ever!! 🤩
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 24/08/2024
Loading...@jodiexe Thank you so much
Avatar for FNC-VALHIR
FNC-VALHIRFnatic Plus@FNC-VALHIR• 23/08/2024
Loading...Wow nice cosplay!
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 23/08/2024
Loading...@FNC-VALHIR Thank you!
Avatar for Sharugames
Loading...@FNC-VALHIR Couldn’t find a way to write you on the app . Won a ticket for the match of today but finally can’t go. If you have a friend you’d like to go with I can give it to you
Avatar for mireia_23_
mireia_23_@mireia_23_• 23/08/2024
Loading...Wow amazing! Great job!
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 23/08/2024
Loading...@mireia_23_ Thank you
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 23/08/2024
Loading...Amazing cosplay! I love this :fncclean:
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 23/08/2024
Loading...@AdamTKWallace Thank you
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 23/08/2024
Loading...Incredible cosplay! Do you have a camera in your belt? There are so many talented people in this community, it's amazing
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 23/08/2024
Loading...@Franky I dont have a camera but I have some tripwires and a classic ^^"
Avatar for suha
suhaFnatic Plus@suha• 23/08/2024
Loading...this is so good
Avatar for Ducky 🦆
Ducky 🦆@Ducky_M3• 23/08/2024
Loading...@suha Thank you so much