AllGeneralFnatic Tattoo?

Fnatic Tattoo?

Uldingrath's avatarUldingrath@Uldingrath13/05/2024

Fnatic Tattoo?

I thinking about a Fnatic Tattoo. I support them since 2018, and I really love the Orga. But there is just one major problem:

The OG logo or the new?

I mean the new Logo looks nice for games like Valo but the OG is more nostalgic if you know

What do you guys think? And if you HAVE a Fanatic tattoo, feel free to share it, so I can better choose:p

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Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 13/05/2024
Loading...Don’t give me ideas 😭😭 i would say both ?! New and old! I’m sure a tattoo artist can give u some great ideas!
Avatar for Uldingrath
Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 13/05/2024
Loading...@Babs That could be nice! First half new than a lightning and than the OG one ☝️ thanks for the inspiration:3