AllGeneralHow does the weekly XP work?

How does the weekly XP work?

Uldingrath's avatarUldingrath@Uldingrath13/05/2024

How does the weekly XP work?

I was on top of the leaderboard last week with 100-150 difference between me and the second place. Now (8 a.m my points are at zero, I didn’t got notified about anything but it seems like the other people on the Leaderboard keept theyr weekly xp. Is this normal or just a bug?

Edit: Today I got an email with the Code! Thanks 😊 I already invested it for som new merch! I will post the new merch as soon as it arrives!

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Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 13/05/2024
Loading...Hi, there’s weekly xp and lifetime xp. Weekly xp gets collected up until midnight on Sunday, then reset for everybody at 8am Monday London time but lifetime will stay. (Edit: updated correct timings)
Avatar for Uldingrath
Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 13/05/2024
Loading...@owenmelbz Alright, but this is the weekly leaderboard, I got back to 0 and the others of the Leaderboard seems untouched 😅 I wondered if this is a bug or if I got a reset on purpose ![96C35285-007F-4EA7-83E2-75E2234B22D1.png](