AllGeneralEyes on MSI

Eyes on MSI

Franky's avatarFrankyCow Paulo@Franky14/04/2024

Eyes on MSI

This defeat must be tough because more than ever these games seemed to be in your hands, but it's also reassuring for the future. Winning is no longer just an unattainable dream but a achievable goal. We are behind you in victory as well as in defeat. We believe in you, so keep the faith and get your revenge at MSI.

GG and thank you for the emotions@oscarinin@razork@humanoid@noah7@Fnatic-Jun ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ Processing

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Uldingrath@Uldingrath• 15/04/2024
Loading...We improved a lot compared to the last years and even to the winter split!! I am sure we have some good matches at the MSI and I hope to get new fnc skins after the Worlds:)