AllGeneralFood inspo pls✨

Food inspo pls✨

Schluru's avatarLara :)@Schluru27/12/2023

Food inspo pls✨

I really need more recipes!

What is your favorite meal? :)

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Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 01/01/2024
Loading...Depends on what kind of things you enjoy? I'm a chef too so if you have any rough ideas I can get some recipes I know for you!
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 28/12/2023
Loading...Food is a good start ;)
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 28/12/2023
Loading...@AdamTKWallace What?? Who eats food?
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 27/12/2023
Loading...Btw I have a book that you could find very good use out of, only £10 too with a lot of amazing recipes, easy and cheap
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 27/12/2023
Loading...@Dr1z Ayo what is it called ?
Avatar for CROSSY
CROSSY@CROSSY_UK• 27/12/2023
Loading...We call it carbonara as we don't know the proper name, but it's got garlic and herb cheese and creme fraiche sauce. With onions, mushrooms, bacon and chorizo. And penne pasta. Topped with parsley. It's delicious
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 27/12/2023
Loading...@CROSSY_UK Ayo that sounds amazing!!!
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 27/12/2023
Loading...(Thai) curry by my mother xd, it is so delicious and she cooks very good not gonna lie
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 27/12/2023
Loading...@Shyke OHH sounds good!! i’ve tried teriyaki chicken once was quite good
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 27/12/2023
Loading...@Shyke Thai curry is great
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 27/12/2023
Loading...My favourite meal has to be any type of pasta/pizza, but my favourite is carbonara and home made pizzas, I have a lot of meal ideas as have started to cook alotttt of stuff so if u need help lmk
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 27/12/2023
Loading...@Dr1z do u have a good recipe with chicken?