AllGeneralAll my points were renoved

All my points were renoved

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CATXALOTE's avatarCatxalote@CATXALOTE18/12/2023

All my points were renoved

Im not on the leaderboard of this week? Idk why i got banned i think pls Fnatic tell me something

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Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 18/12/2023
Loading...It is just a visual bug, additionally you spammed to receive the 50$, you shouldnt get the gift card anyway. Sorry but it is true.
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Shyke Wait here you see that :) Tell me now you deserve the gift card, I dont think so ![53f78a14-7571-4632-8238-d776eb67573a.jpeg](
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 18/12/2023
Loading...Are you looking at the weekly leaderboard or lifetime? Weekly resets every week (today) ![7C4FAF64-D278-4FE2-BEF5-DDCCAEDA4D9E.jpg](
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz No it happened that in Spain at 1:02 AM i had 280 points on weekly but i think that for spamming they removed them all but no worries i tried my best and tryharded to get that new 90 points
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...I tried to talk people i have too much free time so i can chat too much
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@FaNATICodeFNATIC That jump to top in less than an hour is interesting, maybe watch out on spam if you are
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...Bro how are u first again after 20 minutes? hahah
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Schluru Im a hacker xD
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...I wanted that prize too much i was supper happy that i thought i won and now im fckin crying in my bedroom bcs i think i lost my time ont his try
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...Yeah our bad
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...Also noticed this, I imagine we’ve all accidentally caused some spam by being too active. I’ve contacted support to have a look. But apologies to the team if we accidentally did spam
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@AdamTKWallace That being said, I did see some others had a similar issue with points being reset at 12, maybe it is a visual bug. Who knows
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...I got removed cause of nothing me and TK and also Lara the first three at the leaderboard to get another people
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...@FaNATICodeFNATIC fr im confused