AllGeneral2024 Goals

2024 Goals

AdamTKWallace's avatarTKModerator@AdamTKWallace17/12/2023

2024 Goals

Been thinking about next year a lot this week, I realised personally I’ve not done that much this year and I really wanna switch it up.

Anyone got any particular goals for next year?

Me personally, I’m a creator, so I wanna non stop create next year, both video content and physical stuff too, since I like to 3D print and 3D model. I reckon I’ll set a store up again and sell my work.

Also the classic gym goal sprung to mind, I keep forgetting to work on myself. I mainly focused on my mental this year and kinda let go on the physical sides of things.

Anyways that’s me,

Be good to hear your goals.. doesn’t even have to be irl, are there any competitive ranks you want to get? Or any games you’d like to play? Or number of books you want to read in a year?

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Avatar for SaberGre
SaberGre@SaberGre• 18/12/2023
Loading...Hi guys ! My personal job is Seaman (2nd officer🧑🏻‍✈️) . My job is rly hard I miss important things.. 6 months on board without internet (3gb per month free) .. My salary is good enough but always I want more … I don’t know I sacrifice memories for money 🔫 without gaming and family moments! I hope 2024 change type of vessel and transfer to cruise ships ! Tankers ships is rly hard …
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@SaberGre Oh wow! Still that sounds like such an experience! I hope 2024 will be great for you 🧡🖤
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 18/12/2023
Loading...My goals personally apart from travelling and gym will probably to learn to cook better as can cook basic things, then maybe post more and start streaming as have put that off for about 2 years now 🤣
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Dr1z Ooh cooking is a great idea! I’m awful at cooking too, I tried doing some nice cooking a few years back before I went to university haha. Honestly with the streaming, just go for it, have fun with it, I did that years ago and have enjoyed making content since. So glad I just went with it and experienced and experimented with different approaches to it. Best wishes!
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Dr1z Bro same like the only things i can cook are tiktok recipes 😭
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 18/12/2023
Loading...@TK that sounds great, keep pushing with ur goals and don’t give up, sounds like you have a great plan
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Dr1z Thank you. I appreciate that a lot 🧡
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 18/12/2023
Loading...Yes I got some goals. I achieved my this year goal to get healthy and more happy. I am more than proud of myself and I want to continue that for the next year. I want to develope myself physically by continuing going to gym and get more fit than I am now. I am very excited to see what awaits me next year.
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Shyke Good job, keep going🫶🏻
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Shyke Hey that’s honestly amazing to hear. Proud of you! Best wishes for the upcoming year!
Avatar for Catxalote
Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 18/12/2023
Loading...My best goals will be seeing all VCT Fnatic Games, try to upgrade mty status as coach on Valorant, go more to gym and try to go to South Korea this year
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...@FaNATICodeFNATIC Yooo u a coach?? That’s so cool :)
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 18/12/2023
Loading...More progress in gym, traveling (alone), finding a job, creating content :), just vibing :)
Avatar for TK
TKModerator@AdamTKWallace• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Schluru Decent goals! Anywhere particular you had in mind for travelling to?
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 18/12/2023
Loading...@Schluru Oh my god, gym and solo travelling is a must for me 😩