AllGeneralFavourite lane

Favourite lane

freekzlol's avatarfreekzlol@freekzlol04/12/2023

Favourite lane

What’s up guys? Which lane you prefer to play on the rift?

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Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 04/12/2023
Loading...I'm main supp can't really or want play other lane. If I get autofill I'm okay top but way less impactful than supp.
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 04/12/2023
Loading...100% ADC. After playing year for years jgl in Diamond/master elo I dont enjoy playing jgl anymore. ADC is so much more intense and more difficult/challenge, I enjoy that very much. (But I dont like trolling jgl and supp this is tilting me)
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Bot lane (adc or supp doesnt matter) But i've learned that it doesnt matter all that much so i queue fill only.
Avatar for freekzlol
freekzlol@freekzlol• 04/12/2023
Loading...I prefer to play on mid. My second choice is Top lane.