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Tryyyyyymbiii Noooo...

inst4nce's avatarinst4nceCo-owner@inst4nce16/11/2023

Tryyyyyymbiii Noooo...

I have just seen the news about Trymbi's departure, which came as a bit of a shock, he seems like a real team leader, vocal in games and obviously a great player so would love to know the reasons behind it and whos decision it was.

Think we are going to struggle if we don't have a consistent roster, I am not sure why we struggle to hold on to players more than say *2 do.

On the upside its been done early, so maybe we can get someone in for Korean boot camp if we haven't already.

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Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/11/2023
Loading...It was trymbis own decision, yesterday they posted a "LEC update 2024", where everything was written down. Personally I don't think, the team will have troubles in the upcoming LEC 2024, the new support will probably be Jun from south korea, he seem to be a really good player and has much potential. Yes, maybe they will have some communication problems but I think, the roster starting in the winter split 2024 will finally (probably) be the whole year. So I think this will not a bit problem, esspecially with the time and I think we can be really confident for the next year.
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inst4nceCo-owner@inst4nce• 16/11/2023
Loading...@Shyke I hope you're right, I think as long as we keep the rest of them you should be.