AllGeneralShould I buy Cyberpunk 2077?

Should I buy Cyberpunk 2077?

Efe's avatarEfe@Efe04/11/2023

Should I buy Cyberpunk 2077?

Guys I live in Turkey and in 20 November the prices on steam will be changed as TL to Dollar because of economic situation and that means Cyperbunk's price will 2.5 times higher,but the problem is my pc is not enough for cyberpunk rn.I am planning to upragde it but I don't know when,so If buy it I have to wait it at least 1 year to play it but If I do not buy it its price will be so expensive.It is expensive even now actually! I need your opinions.Discount finishes tomorrow.

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Avatar for MxZxMxN
MxZxMxN@MxZxMxN• 07/11/2023
Loading...Wait for the next sale. Sorry to hear that the prices are going up. That sucks! I got the game on pre-order (like a moron but the hype was real) and built a PC specifically for it and the game was still so poorly optimised - crashed a lot - especially while streaming. Loved the game as it's my sort of thing. I waited 2 years for the 2.0 update and it's still poorly optimised (for high settings + RT) but with a 3080 it still runs +60fps with DLSS Quality and RT on High (does make a big difference aesthetically but baked-in lighting is also very well done). The overall story is decent but it's about the side-stories with world building and the new DLC is really good. Hits all of the Cyberpunk notes and uses a lot of influences I personally enjoy. GOG have frequent sales and with Mods and optimisation improving day by day I would say go on website and grab a CD key when they bundle the Main Game + DLC together in the new year. If you can wait for that long.
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...If u plan on upgrading anyway, buy it now tp save $$
Avatar for Roypedd
Roypedd@Roypedd• 06/11/2023
Loading...The ambience and the story are beautiful, and the new features with the latest patch make the game a must-have. I loved it so much, highly recommended. What is your configuration?
Avatar for Fabcso
Fabcso@Fabcso• 06/11/2023
Loading...If you like future themes, I definitely recommended it. Fortunately, the game is now as it is, but optimized and you will encounter much fewer bugs, which makes the gaming experience a thousan times more enjoyable ;D
Avatar for MuggleJosh
MuggleJoshPioneer Key Holder@MuggleJosh• 06/11/2023
Loading...Second the above, it will only get cheaper over time so i would wait. There will likely even be a bundle of the main game and phantom liberty by the time your new rig is ready. Steam summer sale or epic fall sale will be better timing
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 04/11/2023
Loading...I suggest you waiting for a sale when its coming. Because I wouldnt pay the full price, additionally without Phantom Liberty, this isnt anymore a full Game in my opinion. Cyberpunk is every month for 50% in sale (at least in Germany), so when there is a sale, I would buy it. Otherwise, someone of an other region can buy you Cyberpunk and you give him the money back, that isnt anymore 2.5x more expensive if you understand me