AllGeneralPlans for the week

Plans for the week

Horaizun's avatarHoraizun@Horaizun22/10/2023

Plans for the week

Hi guys! What are your plans for the week? How will it be?

My week will be much easier than the weeks before, because I have now vacation☺️ but I still need to work for school :/ its a bit annoying but better to relax from the very exhausting weeks I had, because I can sleep now so much as I want for the week😊

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Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...No.1 plan: not loosing my heqd from toxic ppl in game 🤣 owerall. Spend some time with kids and familly. Do some streams. And preparing myself for working nightshifts whole week.
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 23/10/2023
Loading...@ItIsMeAleks No1 is so true xd. And overall I hope you get some time to achieve all goals and things you want to do this week!!