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What are your favourite musicians?

Horaizun's avatarHoraizun@Horaizun16/10/2023

What are your favourite musicians?

International I really like Justin Bieber xd and in Germany I really love "Cro". What are yours?

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Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 17/10/2023
Loading...Avicii, Imagine Dragons, Linkin Park
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 17/10/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD I even have a tattoo ![5f886afd-7d05-43a1-81e0-c772b0d96c0f.jpeg](
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 17/10/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD And going to have another one in December ![0eb1d596-d8b2-4ce5-9512-820f4ea39ec6.png](
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 17/10/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Imagine Dragons🙌
Avatar for Official Tei Meing
Loading...I like Flo rida when gaming but to listen casually probably taylor swift 😳
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 17/10/2023
Loading...@Tei-Meing Hahaha, Taylor Swift does nice music I Iike her too
Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 16/10/2023
Loading...Linkin Park and mgk
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...@Keniwann Idk Linkin Park but mgk I really love his last album mainstream sellout, he does so cool music