League of Legends


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Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 16/10/2023
Loading...Other than Team Liquid, I think they were the best team we could have faced (who were seeded 3rd)
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...@Franky Yes I think so too
Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 15/10/2023
Loading...we can do this! easy for us 💪🏻💪🏻
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 15/10/2023
Loading...Fnc all the way
Avatar for Genzeleh
Genzeleh@Genzeleh• 15/10/2023
Loading...I believe FNC can pull out the win if they play good
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 15/10/2023
Loading...@Genzeleh Yeah I think that too, the only Problem I have is, that LNG is one of the best teams with JDG as I get to know. Lets hope fnatic gonna smurf this with Oscar