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Pc / PlayStation / Xbox

Dr1z's avatarDr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z14/10/2023

Pc / PlayStation / Xbox

What console do you guys currently play on and what console do you wish to move to or are you happy with current console ?

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Avatar for dusty
dustyCow Paulo@dusty• 17/10/2023
Loading...PC. Coming from playing consoles since I was little and only switched to PC in the last few years I hate admitting that I prefer it. Although I love how much xbox is integrated with PC now and I’ll never not own an xbox. I only have my playstation for it’s exclusives honestly. I don’t like much about the ps at all.
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 17/10/2023
Loading...PC all the way
Avatar for Ibby
IbbyCo-owner@Ibby• 17/10/2023
Loading...When I was younger I was playing ps2/ps3. Also had a ps4 but by that point I was already into league a lot so became a hardcore pc gamer lol. 3 years ago I finally got the opportunity to build my own pc without worrying about needing to make it a budget pc. A couple months ago I did end up getting a ps5 just so I could still play gta with the boys🤓
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 17/10/2023
Loading...@Ibby Yeah its in my opinion always nice to have a pc and a better option than a Playstation. Its pretty sad people buying a Playstation to play with the friends instead they switch to a pc. But I hope you have fun with your boys and enjoy the time with them so it was worth it haha
Avatar for miruendana
miruendana@chairfull• 17/10/2023
Loading...@Ibby I also had ps2 when I was younger cause my brothers got it, same with ps3 and for a bit with ps4 but then they moved out and I don’t really use them, so I don’t buy them myself
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 17/10/2023
Loading...@Ibby PS2 is where my journey into gaming first started
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 17/10/2023
Loading...I don't have much time to play and currently have only PC
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 17/10/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Pc is elite, hope u find some time soon !
Avatar for Official Tei Meing
Loading...PC >
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...Was on ps4 slim. But swetched to PC. Never again consol!
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...PC all the way, Xbox and Playstation Hella useless in comparisson to a pc
Avatar for Babs
BabsVCT Champions 2024@Babs• 16/10/2023
Loading...Pc for sure !
Avatar for potatolover
Loading...Pc, i don’t have any of the other too
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 16/10/2023
Loading...@potatolover W
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 17/10/2023
Loading...@potatolover Literally same as you
Avatar for miruendana
miruendana@chairfull• 17/10/2023
Loading...@potatolover Sameee
Avatar for Spenz
Spenz@Mrspenz• 16/10/2023
Loading...It’s got to be pc always console is fun I love playing old fps on them but valorant and league win my vote on pc
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...@Mrspenz Yes i think that too
Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 14/10/2023
Loading...I used to play on console since all my life, but you know what, if you buy a pc you’ll not regret it! Ps: way better cause there is no ps plus/xbox gold 😉
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 14/10/2023
Loading...@wackU Exactlyyyy pc is just unreal
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 14/10/2023
Loading...Me personally have had a PlayStation my whole life, started on ps2 then went to ps3 and play cod for the first time which is what rlly got me into gaming. However since 4 years back have been on pc and one year ago built my dream pc and I will never switch back