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League of Legends Beginer

League of Legends Beginer

Hello guys. I am preaty new in LoL (14 days). I like to play bottom, support or/and jungler. What are eaziest champions to adopt for those lanes. I use most of the time Kai'sa, Seraphine, Master Yi. And what are important things for new players to learn? I checked youtube but i just get more confused.

Thank you for answears and hellp

Greatings, Aleks

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Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...Keep it Up! Important to learn is the wave management and the trades you can deal. In jgl there are many tutorials or guides on YouTube, most important is the management between gank and farm. And times you can gank or its worth it. Dont waste time, every second is worth and important. Use oracle lens as the game starts to pretend succesful ganks without the enemys gonna know and always watch at the map. (Im a jgl/ADC main)
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...@Shyke Need to check youtube for guides and tutorials. I defenetly make mistakes wich cost me losing time, gold and unecessery fights.
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 16/10/2023
Loading...I think the most important thing is understanding how your champ work in depth, then you can start to think of other thing like wave, poke, peel etc
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...@Franky Yee
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...@Franky Defenetly need to learn mutch more. For now i understand what is my role when i play jungle. Is preaty hard. If something goes wrong i am first on list to be flamed hehe. Most of the time i try to be flexible in early game. And try to keep balance between farming and be at right place at right time.
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 17/10/2023
Loading...@Franky @ItIsMeAleks Before all that you need to understand your charactere et all he can do learn your role come after
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...Well i simply love Master Yi. I thinks i did decent on that game. ![28053b85-1fb9-4a25-b91e-0aab5d0071bf.jpeg](https://cdn.fnatic.com/community/5e83f182-4c97-4f5c-9384-c148577865f1.jpeg)
Avatar for Horaizun
Horaizun@Horaizun• 16/10/2023
Loading...@ItIsMeAleks Seems to be good for you
Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 10/10/2023
Loading...But Master Yi is basic and easy to
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...@Keniwann I love him. And if i build him properly can do crazy damage
Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 10/10/2023
Loading...Keep it up and have fun ( well try to have fun ) 😂
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...@Dr1z I realize ppl have anger problems in league 🤣. So i just mute them or i laugh when they start arguingn🤣
Avatar for Official Tei Meing
Loading...I played master Yi when i first started, basic and easy to use.
Avatar for Faravvyn
FaravvynPioneer Key Holder@Faravvyn• 10/10/2023
Loading...Important to know u still have the chance to stop playing XD and don't get addicted like us
Avatar for ItIsMeAleks
Loading...@Faravvyn I think is to late for not beeing addicted 🤣