AllGeneralWhatsApp group. 

WhatsApp group.

tally's avatartally@tally10/06/2023

WhatsApp group.

Is there a Fnatic WhatsApp group? If so can someone send me the link please

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Avatar for Dr1z
Dr1zVCT Champions 2022@Dr1z• 09/10/2023
Loading...We don’t need WhatsApp when we have this amazing app for all of us to come together
Avatar for tally
tally@tally• 09/10/2023
Loading...@Dr1z Very true
Avatar for Ruka
Ruka@Rukafps• 04/10/2023
Loading...Yeah we have the Fnatic app
Avatar for tally
tally@tally• 06/10/2023
Loading...@Rukafps Yes I am aware. As I am in it. But I was thinking you can’t really chat properly on here
Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 04/10/2023
Loading...I don’t think their will be an Group
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 10/06/2023
Loading...We have Fnatic app.
Avatar for tally
tally@tally• 10/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Yea ik I was wondering if there’s a WhatsApp group for the fans to chat on