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2. days

F1XY's avatarF1XY@F1XY04/06/2023

2. days

what are you going to do today what is your plan

I'm going out with my friends and playing cs go with my cousin

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Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 05/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @ersin Naah I bet you not always lazy! 😂😂
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 05/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @F1XY Haha thank you! ✌🏻😂
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@F1XY well I try too hahah 😁😁🧡
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh 🧡😁😁
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @f1xy 🤣
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @ersin hahahah Work
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 I'm always lazy 😎
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@ersin it ain’t bad tbh, you try and vary from time to time but the cycle is the same haha 😂 tbh I don’t think league is too good before going to sleep hahaha I get too stressed and angry hahaha
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh I usually play with friends at night so it isn't as bad, still can be tilting sometimes tho
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh hmm , you always be good 😄😊
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...Working all day then seeing the new Spiderman movie with my brother and a friend afterwards
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Jhin-Wick-IV Oh oh we will do that tomorrow too
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Jhin-Wick-IV Beautiful. Spider-Man is great, I watched it
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...Some friends that i haven't seen in a long time randomly invited me to hang out so I did that, my bike broke, then came back home lol
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@ersin nice bro very GOOOD
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Efee Hey don't underestimate the iskender! I can definitely become a play by itself single handedly
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 04/06/2023
Loading...I made some homeworkouts, cleaned my appartmant and I had to go to work 😮‍💨 So not really a good sunday ✌🏻😂
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Seems pretty good to me, at least you take care of yourself
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 A productive day is a good day after all
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @ersin Thats right! But I could need a lazy, relaxing day soon! 😂 Just chilling on mu couch and watching some tv 🙈 Maybe next Sunday ☺️
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Very good . good luck
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...@Meyvischh 14/15 I been grinding like crazy past couple of days haha
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@quickblade_dancer haha
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@quickblade_dancer We gotta grind 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@quickblade_dancer The grind never ends..
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...Well I'll be playing League later because MSI missions end soon and I want the loot 😂
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@quickblade_dancer Duuude sameeee, I can’t wait to get back home hahahaha cuz I still have some levels to get from the pass 😂😂 got like 6 to go if I’m not wrong 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 wbu?
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@quickblade_dancer wow😄😄
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@quickblade_dancer I finished the pass long ago but still gotta grind the new quests
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...Well I’m going back home rn, will go for a run and will play some league late night ☺️☺️
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh good🧡
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh Literally %80 of my days lol
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 04/06/2023
Loading...Uni and finish editing the video
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 04/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD What is the video about
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 04/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD I can't leak yet 😅
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD nice
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 04/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Oh come on, not even a sneak peek?
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 04/06/2023
Loading...I am planning to eat some İskender Kebap today.Yes this is my whole day plan lol
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Efee good. Enjoy your meal 🧡 have a nice day
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Efee Thanks!
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@Efee That’s a plan to me sooo 😂😂 enjoyyy!!
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 04/06/2023
Loading...@Efee @meyvischh thank youu