AllGeneralWhere would you like to go

Where would you like to go

ersin's avatarersin@ersin02/06/2023

Where would you like to go

Which country would you like to visit or live in if you could choose? Also why?

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Avatar for Ibby
IbbyCo-owner@Ibby• 03/06/2023
Loading...Man I would love to go Japan. But also I wanna visit Dubai😍😭just looks so nice!!
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 03/06/2023
Loading...@Ibby Japan is very good place for visit but I cannot say same thing to Dubai.I do not why but I don't like Dubai so much
Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...I want to visit Germany so I can watch Fnatic play live for the LEC
Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 02/06/2023
Loading...I’d love to visit England and Japan in the future (once I’ll get the passport maybe 😅)
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@wackU I do have a green passport which i got from my mom but I'm too lazy to actually go overboard lol
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 02/06/2023
Loading...Last year I was in Sweden and i will visit this beautiful country again! 🥰 I could also well imagine to live there some day 🥰 The people there are so handsome and they have so many interesting and pretty cities!
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 I know right? Wish i could go too
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 02/06/2023
Loading...Germany because I always wondered
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@F1XY I think some of my relatives live in there
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 02/06/2023
Loading...@F1XY @ersin hmm
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 02/06/2023
Loading...for visit I can say Italy,Spain,UK,US If we talk about living I say Germany probably
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Efee Italy is a great place
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Efee Can't say i like Germany much but i respect in your opinion!
Avatar for MortDeRire
MortDeRire@MortDeRire• 02/06/2023
Loading...Romania! That's where my other half is from. I love and miss family there and I miss the food.
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@MortDeRire Do u have citizenship in both of the countries?
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 02/06/2023
Loading...I have a plan to go to Berlin for LEC and Paris for Olympic Games
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD When were those again?
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 02/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Berlin is just a nice city! 😍
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 03/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD OG are in 2024
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...And I forgot to ask hahahah, what about you??
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh My top priority is either live in Canada or some Nordic countries even though literally any other European country is fine by me too
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...Oh this one is sooo easy for me hahah -> Japan because of the culture (and also bc of the food 🤤🤤 hahaha)!! That’s really a dream of mine to be able to go to Japan 🇯🇵 one day 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh Yeah visiting Japan is also one of the top things i want to do. Can't say the same for living in there tho, too much stress for me