AllGeneralLaptop Or Desk?

Laptop Or Desk?

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Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 03/06/2023
Avatar for Ibby
IbbyCo-owner@Ibby• 02/06/2023
Loading...I travel a lotttttttt. But I still have to say desktop :/
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Ibby thank you for answering
Avatar for Ibby
IbbyCo-owner@Ibby• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Ibby no worries!😅
Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 02/06/2023
Loading...desktop 100% 🫡
Avatar for damienbig
damienbig@damienbig• 01/06/2023
Loading...A desktop because it's much more flexible
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@damienbig But I'm going to have to leave the city for Abt 4 or 5 years because of university and i literally have no idea how to take it with me if i buy a desktop🤔
Avatar for LeGENdaryZ
LeGENdaryZ@LeGENdaryZ• 01/06/2023
Loading...Buy a Desktop since you have a bigger display, which helps a lot while aiming in tac fps, and the PC has lower latency. I personally have the SSUPD meshlicious case which also fits in my backpack, in case I want to travel with it
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@LeGENdaryZ Makesense
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 01/06/2023
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD 🤔
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 01/06/2023
Loading...Desktops offer a better choice of components, and you can easily modify, replace, or add components without any issues (except for monetary considerations), unlike laptops.
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 02/06/2023
Loading...@Franky Yes you're right
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 01/06/2023
Loading...@ersin I dont have that much money😄😄
Avatar for Nionom
NionomFnatic Nation 2024@Nionom• 01/06/2023
Loading...Desktop for sure
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 01/06/2023
Loading...@Nionom Why?
Avatar for F1XY
F1XY@F1XY• 01/06/2023
Loading...@Nionom laptop because you can take it to the everywhere
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 01/06/2023
Loading...@Nionom @f1xy but you can buy better pc with same price
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 01/06/2023
Loading...Yes I agree @meyvischh
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Desk any other answer is just wrong
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Cant argue with that, Desk all the way! Althouuuugh….if you are traveling a lot then I do recommend laptops 👀👀😁
Avatar for ersin
ersin@ersin• 01/06/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan Okay ahhaha