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How long have you been a Fnatic for?

Nionom's avatarNionomFnatic Nation 2024@Nionom31/05/2023

How long have you been a Fnatic for?

Basically title. What moment in which game/match made you follow this wonderful org?

For me personally I do not remember an exact match but I started following Fnatic from CS:GO in early 2020, then made the switch to Valorant myself and now I follow both the CS:GO as well as the Valorant team :).

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Avatar for Jhin Wick IV
Loading...I’ve been following the team since 2020 because the LEC really was something that got me through the pandemic and it was great learning ADC from watching Rekkles
Avatar for Lara :)
Lara :)@Schluru• 31/05/2023
Loading...Me and my friends wanted to watch vct live and decided to visit berlin for a weekend, so we bought tickets for FNC vs TL and yeah. That was a while ago and since that day the bois got me
Avatar for IKindBoss
IKindBoss@IKindBoss• 31/05/2023
Loading...I never paid to much attention for professional gaming till some Friends invite me to watch a few matches of league of legends on a bar. When I had the opportunity to see "Xpeke backdoor" I was a fan for life.
Avatar for p0w3l1
p0w3l1Pioneer Key Holder@p0w3l1• 31/05/2023
Loading...The first game I ever watched was league season 4 with xPeke and company; him playing the old gragas and oneshooting a cait with Ult+Q (it was so cool I started maining Gragas mid up to his rework 😫). Sadly I didn't watch much more until season 5 with the new band Holo-holo, reignover, febi, steelback and yell0wstar. I did watch that season from the start and that's when I completely fell for this org. Actually watching Huni play made me change my main lane to Top 😱😱😱
Avatar for Dogen
DogenPioneer Key Holder@Dogen• 31/05/2023
Loading...I started follow Fnatic when me and my best friend start (try) to play cs:go competitevly, following mainly NiP and Fnatic in the 2014. At the time I was a 70% NiP fan and a 30% Fnatic fan. When my cousin lived in London in the 2016/17, she asked me if I knew the "an org named Fnatic" and send me the photo of the HQ. After that I'll ask if she could buy me the team jacked and from that moment I started to enjoy more and more the Fnatic team. It was like when you buy the first jersery from your favourite sports club, once you'll get it, it remains forever.
Avatar for Nionom
NionomFnatic Nation 2024@Nionom• 31/05/2023
Loading...@Dogen Yeah that's for sure, the jersey really connects you with a team.
Avatar for Mo
MoCore Key Holder@cozymo_• 31/05/2023
Loading...i fell in move with the badge/logo in late 2019 watching some csgo streams :D since then my heart is orange🧡
Avatar for Nionom
NionomFnatic Nation 2024@Nionom• 31/05/2023
Loading...@mauros4 🧡
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...League season 2
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...I have 2018 in my profile, that's the year I started watching esports for real, but recently I though about it and I think I actually sorta started getting into it back in 2015 So it's officially 5 years, unofficially 8 years
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 31/05/2023
Loading...I dont know the exact time 🙈 But I still know the “Xpeke Backdoor” in League 😂 It has to be this period. I found it so impressive, that i started to watch more professional games (especially Fnatic) and then i fall in love with this organisation 🥺😅
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 31/05/2023
Loading...My profile says 9th of Feb 2019 but in fact I started supporting Fnatic in csgo like 2012-13 maybe, later played league and transitioned mostly to it
Avatar for Nionom
NionomFnatic Nation 2024@Nionom• 31/05/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Woah that's a long time!!