AllGeneralWhich social media platform...

Which social media platform are you using mostly?

Efe's avatarEfe@Efe29/05/2023

Which social media platform are you using mostly?

I usually use Twitter,Instagram and Twitch.

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Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...@Efee noo I totally get you, but I can stay there for hours and not be productive hahaha and it kills meee 😂😂 that’s why I uninstalled it because I had enough hahaha
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...Discord and the app Instagram for sending memes
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@RenoNiiChan YOO I have forgotten discord 🙃
Avatar for HoneRyu
HoneRyu@HoneRyu• 30/05/2023
Loading...Twitch and twitter
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...Normally I’m mostly on Twitter and Twitch, Insta for me just gets boring and I’ve recently stopped using it like fully deleted the app and everything!
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh I love ınsta for reels.I dont like tiktok because ı do not like its working system reels better and twitter twitch 🧡
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...Twitter nearly every day, I pop in Facebook and Instagram once in a while to look at my favourite meme page or check reels And this app if it counts ofc
Avatar for InsertName
InsertName@InsertName• 30/05/2023
Loading...Twitter and YouTube
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@InsertName I love youtube but shorts is really bad
Avatar for Marie<3
Marie<3@mariebz• 30/05/2023
Loading...Twitter because it helps me realize that no matter how dumb I am I can always be dumber
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@mariebz 🤨
Avatar for Marie<3
Marie<3@mariebz• 30/05/2023
Loading...@mariebz Listen the app is great it’s just that sometimes i see some tweets and they are goofy as hell to say the least
Avatar for kas
kas@destkkas• 30/05/2023
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@destkkas I do not like it so much
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 30/05/2023
Loading...Fnatic app 😎 Of course Twitter, Twitch, Instagram
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@238SAMIxD Same 😀
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 30/05/2023
Loading...I only use Twitch and Twitter, and if you consider this apps as social media, then this one as well.
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Franky Instagram?? Instagram is so important for me haha
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Franky I never used Instagram, never like it. But I forgot Discord.
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 29/05/2023
Loading...To much I would say 😂😂 But mostly Instagram, Twitter and now this App 😅🫣
Avatar for Efe
Efe@Efe• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 We are actually same haha