AllGeneralBreakfast Check Β³β΄

Breakfast Check ³⁴

RenoNiiChan's avatarRenoNiiChanModerator@RenoNiiChanβ€’ 29/05/2023

Breakfast Check ³⁴

What did y'all had for breakfast?!

And if nothing you might find inspiration for tommorow here!

I, myself had the exact same as yesterday 😁

Bonus question:

How are you today πŸ€”πŸ§

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Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 29/05/2023
Loading...I had porrige with blueberrys, penaut-butter and a big cup coffee πŸ₯Ή And im a little bit exhausted today, cause I had a 24h shift yesterday πŸ˜‚ How about you? Hope you are fine πŸ₯°
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...@Steffie.94 I'm doing fine thanks for asking 😊
Avatar for leejsuh
leejsuh@leejsuh• 29/05/2023
Loading...A pice of Strawberry cake with my Grandma! i'm good, went on a 50km Bike tour yesterday and now my muscles r r sore lmfao
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 29/05/2023
Loading...I got stew with potatoes πŸ˜‹
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...Only had coffee so far, it's dinner time here but I'm not hungry for some reason, kinda sus one could even say πŸ€”