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Avatar for Keniwann
Keniwann@Keniwann• 04/10/2023
Loading...The big Subway ones. They are the best
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 30/05/2023
Loading...I love cookies filled with some cream 🥹❤️
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 What cream do you like the most 😋
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @238SAMIxD Thats a hard decision 🫣 But I think I like a chocolate cream or nut cream the most 🥰
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Wise choice
Avatar for deleted-caesars-typing-hell
Loading...I don’t know if you have these but here in Spain we have these cookies called Principe, I mean they are coated imo 👀😮‍💨🔥
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Meyvischh We don't have it but we have something similar
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 30/05/2023
Loading...The cookies I prefer are crispy chocolate chip cookies, nothing special.
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 30/05/2023
Loading...@Franky Classic 👀
Avatar for leejsuh
leejsuh@leejsuh• 29/05/2023
Loading...The one and only Subway Chocolate chip cookie (probably bc i don't like cookies except for these)
Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 29/05/2023
Loading...@leejsuh ++ Same, since I’m vegan I like the double chocs more (only vegan option) but all in all the subway cookies are superior
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 29/05/2023
Loading...@leejsuh No Oreos? 🥺🥺
Avatar for leejsuh
leejsuh@leejsuh• 29/05/2023
Loading...@leejsuh @238SAMIxD I like Oreo Milkshakes if that counts? xD
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 29/05/2023
Loading...@leejsuh Try Oreo and peanut butter milkshake 😋😋
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...My favourite ones don't exist anymore, these were kind of choc chip type but they made your tongue pink or blue But as of right now I like soft centre cookies and sometimes munch on regular choc chip Oh, and spiced biscuits, but they only sell it here around Christmas :(
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 29/05/2023
Loading...@quickblade_dancer Oh, that sucks 😥