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For those who attended MSI

Madscot's avatarMadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot22/05/2023

For those who attended MSI

Hey everyone,

Quick post for everyone to share their MSI memories and favourite moments. What games did you go to? Who did you meet? Was it your first event? What did you enjoy the most?

I'm lucky to have had tickets for T1 vs JDG . Banger BO5, audience was going crazy, super close series. I finally got to meet Broxah who is one of my favourite pros as well as the awesome Fnatic community and Pioneer members.

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Avatar for Ties
Ties@Ties• 23/05/2023
Loading...Saw everything live from C9 GENG up until the Finals :D it was awesome and I am blown away by how good the LPL was. Knight was amazing to see live.
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 23/05/2023
Loading...@Ties Oh nice! I went to C9vGenG and T1vJDG as well. Two big contrast in terms of game intensity.
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 22/05/2023
Loading...One day I will get there!
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 22/05/2023
Loading...I just watched MSI at home ☺️ And I just watched the EUW Games, so I didnt see very much 😂 But G2 vs Bilibili Gaming was just a banger! 🥹 The games were exciting from start to finish! 🫢
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Haha that's fair. Have you ever had the chance to go to a live event before?
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @Madscot Yes! ☺️ I was a few times at the LEC Studio in Berlin! 🥹 And I was at the KCX2 Event in Paris, as Rekkles played for KC 🙈
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 so jealous youve got to see the man Rekkles 😢
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 23/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @Secare Yes 🥹 That was the best Fnatic-Fan-Moment in my whole life! 🫶🏻 But dont give up, maybe you will meet him one day too!
Avatar for fran
franPioneer Key Holder@franwhsh• 22/05/2023 fav part of the games at msi was definitely seeing the loud fans in playins, they were crazily loud n also super friendly !!! also getting to finally see t1 play was v v cool 🙏 i’m soso grateful to have met broxah he’s lit . my fav jungler i was 😭😭😭😭 after seeing him aaa !! my fav part was getting to see everyone tho, it was super nice being able to meet everyone n catch up w people, fnatic members community is my fav by far, and everyone was super super sweet which rlly made the whole experience and atmosphere even better 🫶
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 22/05/2023
Loading...@franwhsh @franwhsh not a problem! glad you really enjoyed the day! cant believe i was also on the LOLEsport insta story xD
Avatar for fran
franPioneer Key Holder@franwhsh• 22/05/2023
Loading...@franwhsh @Secare omg yea seeing u and @Finnlo1 on there was crazy :oooo
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 22/05/2023
Loading...T1vsJDG was so hype it was an amazing series to watch live The whole finals was amazing too just the atmosphere And meeting more of the fnatic community was great!
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Secare And you brought us @franwhsh to the finals, which is so GOATED from you. Thank you 🙇
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Secare @Madscot was my pleasure, glad i got to give the ticket to one of the community and spend the day with you all! sadge that my flight left so soon after finals or i would of stayed!
Avatar for fran
franPioneer Key Holder@franwhsh• 22/05/2023
Loading...@Secare aa thanks so much for the ticket to finals, i really appreciated it a lot omg !!!! i’m glad to hear u had a lovely time, would be lovely to see u again one day !!! 🙏