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The Official Unofficial Fnatic Podcast

Madscot's avatarMadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot19/05/2023

The Official Unofficial Fnatic Podcast

Hi everyone!

Madscot here. For those who don't know me, I'm a long time Fnatic fan who decided to launch a podcast on his favourite org roughly 2 years ago, mainly on the LoL team, called Inside Fnatic's Brush.

I stream on my twitch channel every week , the day before LEC weekend, on (add the underscore at the end of it)

You can also catch my episodes on my YouTube Channel or Spotify by searching Inside Fnatic's Brush.

Don't hesitate to drop by, sub or leave a comment. I love discussing topics with the community and your feedback is very valuable.

Here's the link to my latest episode, I'll make sure to link the next ones in future posts here , so keep your eyes peeled.

Thanks for your time and remember

AlwaysFnatic 🧡🖤

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Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 21/05/2023
Loading...Let me check it out real quick!
Avatar for owenmelbz
owenmelbzOfficial@owenmelbz• 20/05/2023
Loading...Woop! Love seeing it getting posted here, reminds me to check in! Fyi you can wrap the YouTube URL in a [yoūtube]httpś://xxxx[/yoūtube] to embed it and play inline (no accents) 😄
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 20/05/2023
Loading...@owenmelbz Good to know, I'll try to edit it when I can, thanks!
Avatar for Gureto
GuretoPioneer Key Holder@Gureto• 20/05/2023
Loading...High quality content, 100% recommend! 😁
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 20/05/2023
Loading...@Gureto Damn what a review, thank you thank you 🙇
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 19/05/2023
Avatar for MrAw3som3_GER
Loading...Also good job on choosing the name. I like the creativity behind it. Might post some feedback after listening to it. 🫡
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 19/05/2023
Loading...@MrAw3som3_GER I gotta thank the community on that one. When I was coming up with the Podcast, we submitted a bunch of names, this one took the vote. The community has great taste. Looking forward to your feedback!
Avatar for MrAw3som3_GER
Loading...Will listen to it. Finally some Fnatic content I can listen to while laying in the sun. 😁 Thanks for your effort!
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 19/05/2023
Loading...@MrAw3som3_GER Haha thanks. Hopefully my commentary will be as bright as the weather.
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 19/05/2023
Loading...That sounds very interessting and I will try to watch a stream, if i have time! Thanks for informing us! 🥰 And also thank you for doing this, its a nice support for Fnatic and the fans. 🤗 AlwaysFnatic 🧡🖤
Avatar for Madscot
MadscotPioneer Key Holder@Madscot• 19/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Thank you for your support, it's very appreciated. I do this for the community most of all so I'm open to any feedback you can provide! #AlwaysFnatic 🧡🖤