AllGeneralBreakfast Check ¹⁵

Breakfast Check ¹⁵

Breakfast Check ¹⁵

What did y'all had for breakfast?!

And if nothing you might find inspiration for tommorow here!

I, myself had a croissant, a speculoos donut and a cappuccino.

Bonus question today:

Name one trait of urself that u dislike 🧐

For me its hate getting up in the morning. Because there is so much id like to eat for breakfast but never have the time for it 😅

Been saying for 3 days straight that i will have eggs and bacon 👀

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Avatar for wackU
wackU@wackU• 10/05/2023
Loading...I've had a croissant and cappuccino this morning! so delicious 😋
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 10/05/2023
Loading...Chocolate shells with milk
Avatar for FnaticMEOWlone
Loading...Ate my guacamole toast as always😌 Does anyone have ideas for nice breakfast drinks? I don't like coffee that much an normally just drink hot chocolate but it actually gets boring some time and I don't drink enough over the day, by far. Thankful for every little idea☺️
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 10/05/2023
Loading...@OnlineMEOWlone A good drink for breakfast is so hard to find, if someone likes no coffee 🙊 I just know the normal things like tea, milkshake, juice or smoothies ☺️ But maybe you can try black tea with milk, then you have some coffein too 😂
Avatar for Phantom Morgan
Loading...Coffee ofc and store bought falafel and houmous wrap. Quite nice I'd say
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 10/05/2023
Loading...Today I ate breakfast with my best friend at a coffee shop 🥰 It was soo good and i finally got a croissant with chocolate! 🥹 And of course coffee 😌 Abot the other question: I hate it, that I always get so easily distracted by everything 😩 I need so long to something, cause I always do some unimportant things between 🤷🏻‍♀️
Avatar for Stefans
StefansLEC Summer 2024@Stewie90k• 10/05/2023
Loading...Todays breakfast was 2 toasted sandwiches with ham and cheese
Avatar for MortDeRire
MortDeRire@MortDeRire• 10/05/2023
Loading...I gotta eat these oats! The bag is never ending... oats with banana, chocolate protien powder, and walnuts. Having a coffee with it makes the morning better. 🥣☕
Avatar for RenoNiiChan
Loading...@MortDeRire Sounds delicious 😁