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AllLeague of LegendsWhat would be the World skins 

What would be the World skins

What would be the World skins

Which Worlds skins do you think would the current roster pick and what champion do you wish to get a worlds skin

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Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Secare Omg, a Senna one would be amazing too! 🥹😍 Thats a good idea!
Avatar for Davis
Davis@Davissam• 09/05/2023
Loading...I Hope they take sivir as a rekky Hommage
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Davissam I wanted to say, that he should get his Sivir Skin in his own 🥹 Then i realised it would not happen, cause he is support now 😂😂
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Davissam sivir if rekkles was adc, but now he can do a senna one ;)
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 09/05/2023
Loading...Based on the current meta I would say Aphelios
Avatar for PinselKonrad
Loading...Humanoids skin would be an azir skin for sure
Avatar for SAMI
SAMI@238SAMIxD• 09/05/2023
Loading...@PinselKonrad I bet he would choose his fav champ if only he played it then
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 09/05/2023
Loading...I wanna have a jinx skin! 🥺 I mean, the teams play her right now at the MSI, so maybe at worlds too 😂
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 who knows what will happen with all the adc item changes after msi :( a jinx world skin would be awsome though!
Avatar for Stephie
StephiePioneer Key Holder@Steffie.94• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 @Secare Oh god, I hope she is still meta at worlds 🥺 I play her 12 momths a year, so maybe they could do it in the last game ? 😂😂
Avatar for Secare
SecareCo-owner@Secare• 09/05/2023
Loading...@Steffie.94 Maybe the do a doinb as just play them one game just so they can have her as a choice for the skin!
Avatar for Franky
FrankyCow Paulo@Franky• 09/05/2023
Loading...I hope a Soraka Skin