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Does Nightshare have an impact in roster changes?

Dabilo's avatarDabiloFnatic Plus@Dabilo29/04/2023

Does Nightshare have an impact in roster changes?

I have a question: what happens now that we need a new adc? Can players and headcoach give their ideas about who they'd like to play with, or it's only team director business?

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StuOfficial@StuB• 29/04/2023
Loading...Hi @dabilo. We make roster decisions via a process that involves consultation and agreement via a full Transfer Committee (and the collation of a lot of data per candidate we consider). Nightshare represents our LEC coaches on this committee and is consulted on each decision. We monitor and curate all the data needed to make a decision centrally, but definitely rely on the experts on the ground in Berlin to validate/guide the game-specific elements of any decision taken. The committee also includes the LEC Team Director, members of our central Pro Gaming Management Team, and key members of Fnatic's Senior Leadership Team. This way we ensure, as best we can, that all sporting decisions are well-rounded, data-driven AND also make sense as sustainable financial investment decisions for the company as a whole (rather than just for one team in isolation at one moment in time). We use this model for all our titles, not just LEC. Hope that helps - Player feedback and sentiment is also built into the process!
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DabiloFnatic Plus@Dabilo• 30/04/2023
Loading...@StuB Thank you for the transparency you are showing on this app 🙏